Molecular Research Overview

In order to gain a greater understanding of the origins of cardiovascular complications, it is imperative to start with the molecular structures that cause the disease through powerful and innovative research techniques. The aim of this component of the research will be to discover the detailed molecular structure mechanisms of cardiovascular cells and determine how these impact the clinical aspects of the pregnancy. Basic scientific researchers will study the causes at the molecular/cellular level, providing the findings that may lead to breakthrough clinical practices. A continuous flow of information between research and application will be embraced, allowing for clinical observations to drive the scientific research engine forward to new discoveries in the field of cardiovascular maternal and fetal health.

Within the Center for Cardiovascular Health in Pregnancy, basic scientific researchers will study the disease at the molecular/cellular level, providing the findings that may lead to breakthrough clinical practices. A continuous flow of information between research and application will be embraced, allowing for clinical observations to drive the scientific research engine forward to new discoveries in the field of cardiovascular maternal and fetal health.


Future Project